Do you believe in jinxes?


Well-known member
Having a argument with friends about if you believe in jinxes during games. I believe in them very much. Would like to hear other people’s opinions


Well-known member
I do believe in jinxes and think most who have played or wagered on sports do as well. How many times have we seen an announcer say how reliable a kicker has been hitting XX FGs in a row only to doink the upright.
Or Baseball players who wont talk to a pitcher throwing a no hitter. Its been in sports for years. Even here, people say stuff about great call before the game goes final. Just asking for bad karma.


Well-known member
Here is a good read I found on jinxes:

A new poll conducted by OnePoll at the behest of an online sportsbook has probed attitudes towards sports betting among family members and friends. According to the poll, 71% of respondents have argued that the “stakes are higher” when watching a sports event with friends or family.

As Thanksgiving is a time to be with your loved ones, this poll reveals some interesting behavior and attitudes among sports fans. Some 74% argue of respondents that watching a sporting event with rival fans feels much more fun, while 67% admit that they are purposefully teasing and antagonizing loved ones who support the opposite team.

The strange link between sports fans and individual teams goes even deeper, and the OnePoll survey suggests as it established that 62% of fans are inclined to blame themselves for their teams’ losses. Superstitions seem to have a powerful pull with sports fans who seek to explain any outcome that doesn’t fit their preferences in any way possible.

Bad Luck Is Not Tolerated by Sports Fans
One such is by attributing the bad outcome to bad luck. Of the respondents, 38% admitted that they felt like someone in their family was bad luck. Some 84% said that they had no problem with asking that person to leave the room while a game was in progress.

The rivalry between family members over sports gets even more heated, as family members seem inclined to place a friendly wager against a loved one. That applies to 59% of the cases, according to the poll. While money is not always the way to settle this bet, debt payment is always demanded, whether that is a free haircut, wearing sports paraphernalia from the opposite team, or some other whimsical idea the winner of the bet has had.

As it turns out, two-thirds of sports fans are superstitious about their sports jerseys and argue that they would hold on to them, hoping to get the outcome right. Those superstitions are many, and they range from listening to the same music ahead of a game (44%) to carrying a good luck charm (42%) to eating specific food/snacks while watching the game (39%).

TSporthe sbook’s poll reveals that rivalries don’t start at the stadium or pitch. They start right at home with your loved ones, especially when a sports bet is involved.


Well-known member
Last night I had Wake Forest in hoops on the money line. When I checked at half they were up by 19 in the sportbook app. In the Second half I was checking on ESPN. Oregon state came back and took the lead. I went to the original sportsbook app and had no luck. Went to sofascore and somehow they tied it and sent to overtime. They eventually won my money line bet.
I know I sound crazy as I type this but obviously it’s in my head that it may make a difference.

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